
Agile Statement

Describe in one short sentence what the game is.

The agile statement is broken up in the following elements:

For (target demographic).

Who (the main need/drive of that demographic).

The (your product / thing)

is (the thing’s category)

That (the thing’s core function/service)

Unlike (the main competition)

ours (the unique selling point)

For arcade players who are men and women. Who don’t want to play shooting games. The Pac-Man game is an arcade game. That lets you play as Pac-Man who needs to eat all the pellets in the maze while dodging ghosts. Unlike Space Invaders ours lets you test your dodging and tactical skills in a friendly and non-violent manner.


When you have trouble aligning with your team on what your game is and what makes it unique. This can be useful in either your Pitch Document or your Game Concept Document.


  1. Get your team together for a creative session.
  2. Put the empty agile statement on a white board or digital canvas.
  3. In 3 minutes allow everyone to add things in every blank space.
  4. Review what has been put in there.
  5. Re-arrange the elements so that it makes sense.
  6. Decide collectively if it represents your ideas.
  7. Identify what is missing or needs to be changed.
  8. Do another round of ideas focusing on a specific blank space. Keep in mind what is missing / needs to be changed.
  9. Repeat this process until time is over and/or the team is satisfied with the result.

