
Variety Matrix

Come up with a lot of game content based on game elements.

Basic format:  first column is the name of the idea, subsequent column contains relevant game elements which you can toggle on/off. Resulting in each row being an idea you can flesh out further.

An example of magic weapon variety list

Download template: here


When you have a couple of game systems described in concept, designed or implemented and you need concrete content.


  1. create a table on paper or in a digital tool (e.g. excel, word, sheets etc.)
  2. make sure to make room for 1st column for concept descriptions
  3. determine what kind of content you need ideas for e.g. weapons, levels etc.
  4. describe all relevant elements of the game for that type in the first row
  5. consider those elements and either include (O) or exclude (X) them in the row below.
  6. choose what you feel could work.
  7. give this selection a descriptive name or description
  8. with each new row play around with including and excluding elements creating variations within a subset of elements
  9. make as many configurations as possible or within a certain time frame
  10. pick and choose the best configurations that fit the criteria.
  11. explore these configurations further through design and prototyping to see if it can be viable.
