
Guerrilla testing

Guerrilla testing is a way to quickly get feedback on your product and to find out if players are using it as you had imagined. 

Why use this?

Testing your prototype with just 5 users will help you find 85% of usability problems. 

How to use it

  • Prepare a prototype.
  • Go to a place where you can easily recruit people as testers, such as the café at the library. 
  • Ask people if they have 10 minutes to test your prototype. To make it more attractive, you can bring treats and give them as a thank you to the testers.
  • Let 5 users test your product. Encourage them to talk out loud about their experience.  

Don’t forget to document your observations. You can also prepare a small list of questions to ask at the end. 


How to set up and conduct your guerrilla test: