
Create your Manifesto

Stay on track during your design process, especially when creating serious games.


Making a manifesto, which is like a list of rules, helps us remember what we’re trying to achieve and stay on track. This is really important when we’re making serious games, especially because we want to teach or make people aware of important things. Below, you’ll find a list of specific rules you can use in your own work. It’s important to explain why each rule is important to remind yourself why you’re following them. Keep this list close by to help you stay on course.

What rules can we give ourselves to support the ongoing design processes?


1. What is the goal?

  • What specific learning outcomes or behavioral changes are we aiming for with this serious game?
  • Do we want players to acquire new skills, gain knowledge, or develop a deeper understanding of a particular concept?
  • Are we trying to evoke empathy, awareness, or a specific emotional response related to the game’s theme?

2. How to make it fun?

  • What game mechanics and features can we incorporate to engage and entertain players while still achieving our educational or awareness goals?
  • Can we incorporate elements such as challenges, rewards, competition, or storytelling to enhance the fun factor?
  • How can we strike a balance between education and entertainment to keep players engaged?

3. Who gets to play it?

  • What is our target audience for this serious game? Is it intended for students, employees, healthcare professionals, or a specific demographic?
  • Should the game be accessible on certain platforms or devices, such as mobile, desktop, or virtual reality?
  • What genre of game is most suitable for our target audience and educational objectives?

4. How to stay in control?

  • What is our project timeline, and how can we set realistic milestones to prevent the project from becoming unmanageable?
  • Are there budget constraints, and what strategies can we implement to stay within budget?
  • Do we need a project management plan and clear communication channels to ensure everyone involved stays on track?

5. How can we test it?

  • What methods and tools can we use to conduct playtesting and gather feedback from players during the game’s development?
  • Are there specific metrics or evaluation criteria we should establish to measure the game’s effectiveness in achieving its goals?
  • How can we iterate and make improvements based on player feedback to ensure the game aligns with our mission statement?